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Remote Sensing Satellites
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SensorPlatformTypeSwath Width Data BitsLifetimeContact Information
Sub-meter Resolution
IKONOS GeoEye Pan and Multispectral optical 11.3 km
GEOEYE-1 GeoEye Pan and Multispectral optical 15.2 km
QUICKBIRD Digital Globe Pan and Multispectral optical 16.5 km 11 bits 2001-
WORLDVIEW-1 Digital Globe Panchromatic optical 17.6 km 11 bits 2007-
WORLDVIEW-2 Digital Globe Pan and Multispectral optical 16.4 km 11 bits 2009
Pleiades SPOT Pan and Multispectral optical 20 km 2010-
ASTER Terra Multiband optical 60km 1999-
PRISM ALOS Panchromatic optical 70/35 km 8 bits 2006-
AVNIR-2 ALOS Multispectral optical 70/35 km 8 bits 2006-
Resolution Greater Than 1.0 m
Landsat MSS NASA Landsat 1-5 Multispectral optical 185 km 6 bits
ETM+ NASA Landsat 7 Pan and Multispectral optical 185 km 8 bits
TM NASA Landsat 4,5 Multispectral optical 185 km 8 bits
SPOT 5 Pan and Multispectral optical 60 km 8 bits 2002-
AVHRR Multispectral optical 2399 km 10 bit 1979-
MODIS Terra and Aqua Multi-resolution optical 2330 km 12 bit 1999-
National Satellites
AWiFS IRS (Indian Remote Sensing) P6 Pan and Multispectral optical 1416 km 10 bits 2003-
LISS-III IRS (Indian Remote Sensing) P6 Pan and Multispectral optical 141 km 7 bits 2003-
THEOS Pan and Multispectral optical 2008-
FORMOSAT-1 Pan and Multispectral optical 24 km 8 bits 2004-
CBERS-2 Multi-resolution, multispectral optical 890 km 2001-
JERS 70 km 8 bits 1992-1998

This listing was compiled from various public information.
It includes only well-known optical satellites which are either currently in operation or historically important, and whose data sets are available to the public.
It may contain errors, and is certainly incomplete. We welcome any comments or corrections you may wish to send us.
Copyright (c) Goldin-Rudahl Systems, Inc.

Revised on 2011-10-16