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Frequently Asked Questions about the OpenDragon Software

How does OpenDragon differ from the commercial Dragon/ips® software?

OpenDragon has the same functional capabilities as Dragon/ips Academic Edition. However, Dragon/ips has stricter mechanisms to enforce licensing and copy-protection. (Note that Dragon/ips Professional, currently at version 6.2, has significantly greater capabilities that OpenDragon at present.)

What classification capabilities does OpenDragon provide?

OpenDragon includes three supervised classification algorithms: boxcar (parallelepiped), minimum distance to mean, and maximum likelihood. It also includes an iterative clustering option based on a minimum distance to mean similarity metric, as well as simple one-band slicing, and an implementation of the NOAA Agroclimatic Assessment algorithm, used with AVHRR images to quickly identify vegetation health.

What image formats can OpenDragon read?

OpenDragon can read images produced by earlier versions of Dragon/ips as well as by OpenDragon. The software can directly import TIFF and GeoTIFF, USGS 7.5 minute DEM, and ESRI BIL, as well as most other binary data formats in either band sequential or band interleaved format. Starting with Release 5.10, the software also includes utilities to transform OpenDragon vector files to and from ESRI Shapefile format.

How can I extend OpenDragon?

OpenDragon includes object code libraries and documentation that you can use to write your own image processing and GIS analysis routines. These routines can read and write OpenDragon-format files. In the near future, OpenDragon will include mechanisms for integrating your routines into the OpenDragon user interface.

Is the OpenDragon source code available? How can I get it?

In the past, OpenDragon was not open source. Currently we plan to make all Dragon source code available as open source. However, it will take significant time and work to prepare it for public use. This will require that we can get some funding.

What programming language was used to implement OpenDragon?

The analysis, control and display components of OpenDragon are written in ANSI C/C++. The user interface is written in Java.

What platforms does OpenDragon support?

OpenDragon currently runs on Windows NT, XP, Windows 7 and all later versions that we have tested. It does not run on Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows ME.

What are the minimum hardware requirements for OpenDragon?

OpenDragon requires a personal computer with a Pentium- or Athlon-class processor and at least 256 MBytes of memory, a graphics board capable of sixteen-bit color at 1024 x 700 resolution, a pointing device, and approximately 200 MBytes of free hard disk space.

What is the biggest image that OpenDragon can handle?

Unlike Dragon Professional, OpenDragon only processes images up to 1024 lines x 1024 pixels. Larger images can be processed as subsets.