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Books on Remote Sensing
Learning Remote Sensing Using Dragon/ips® and OpenDragon Print edition Kurt T. Rudahl and
Learning Remote Sensing Using Dragon/ips® and OpenDragon Kindle edition Sally E. Goldin
Learning Remote Sensing is a textbook which offers a straightforward, hands-on treatment of the core concepts in remote sensing and raster GIS analysis. The book includes detailed descriptions of how either Dragon or OpenDragon can be used to perform a wide range of image analyses common in the remote sensing profession, and includes exercises on each topic.
Introductory Remote Sensing Digital Image Processing and Applications Paul J. Gibson and Clare H. Power
This textbook is focused on examples, with datasets and sample software, suitable for high school or undergraduate readers. The book includes a limited edition of Dragon/ips, but unfortunately it is an older version suitable only for Windows98 or MS-DOS computers. The included exercises can be run on OpenDragon.
Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perspective (2nd Edition) John Jensen
This popular book introduces the fundamentals of remote sensing from an earth resource (versus engineering) perspective. The author emphasizes the use of remote sensing data for useful spatial biophysical or socio-economic information that can be used to make decisions.
Books on GIS
Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems Michael N. DeMers
This highly readable introduction to computer-based geographic information systems covers basic geographic concepts, GIS data models, input and editing of digital geographic data, the primary categories of geographic analysis, and the design of GIS research and applications.
Geographic Information Systems and Cartographic Modeling C. Dana Tomlin
This concise, highly influential volume develops a taxonomy of raster GIS operations and then demonstrates how to design descriptive and prescriptive GIS models using these basic analytical building blocks.

If you buy any books by clicking on the above links, a part of the purchase price will go to support the Open Dragon project. There is no additional cost to you.