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OpenDragon License Agreement (revised 8 July 2010)

  1. In using OpenDragon, you agree to or assert the following:
    1. You will honor the copyrights and comply with copying restrictions listed below.
    2. You will not post your serial number on any website which can be accessed by the public without login.
  2. You may use this software on any number of computers. You may copy it for backup purposes.
  3. You may create your own software and integrate it with the OpenDragon software. You own the copyright to any software modules that you create. However, the copyright of the original OpenDragon software remains with the Global Software Institute as specified below.
  4. If you use OpenDragon for any published research, you agree to acknowledge the OpenDragon project somewhere in your research report.
  5. You may not sell, or make available for sale, this software or any part of it.

Copying and Copyright Notices

This disk or this download set, including its organization and all files and documents are copyright by Goldin-Rudahl Systems and Global Software Institute unless otherwise specified.

OpenDragon is a trademark owned by Goldin-Rudahl Systems and licensed to the Global Software Institute, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand, and others.

OpenDragon makes use of various libraries and third-party software which may have its own copyright or licensing restrictions. None of these restrictions, to the best of our knowledge, restrict the use of OpenDragon in the manner described in this document. However, you may look in the subdirectory licenses to see the various copyright and license notices. In some cases, source code for the third-party licenses is also included as required by the respective license.

Permission is hereby granted to copy this disk or download set to give to another individual, subject to the following limitations:

  1. Any copying must be on a "one-at-a-time" basis. You may not make multiple copies.
  2. There may be no charge whatsoever. This means no "handling" charge, no "shipping" charge, etc.
  3. The entire CD-ROM or download file must be copied exactly with no omissions and no additions. All copyright notices must remain intact.

The contents of this CD-ROM or download set may not be included in any composite work or posted on web site or other publicly-accessible location without written permission from Goldin-Rudahl Systems, Inc. (We will be happy to consider granting such permission; please contact us so that we can make sure you always have the complete and most recent version.)

Dragon/ips is a trademark of Goldin-Rudahl Systems, Inc.